To enter into the discussion of the drawbacks and disadvantages of the second-hand fan coil system, it is not necessary to introduce the fan coil. However, a reminder of how it works may shed light on other aspects of buying a second-hand fan coil.
Second hand fan coil operation and health defects
The function of the fan coil, like the rest of the air conditioning equipment, is to provide the air with the right temperature. In this way, the fan coil circulates air through a blower and blower and constantly passes the air that is drawn in, passes through the coils, changes and enters the environment when it is cold or hot. Therefore, no new air is exchanged in the fan coil and all changes are applied with a good approximation to a constant amount of air. Lack of fresh air from the outside environment and its combination with used air reduces the degree of used air and its quality and health. On the other hand, air pollution and microorganisms will remain inside the fan coil. Despite the fact that a filter for air intake is installed and different parts of the fan coil system equipment are serviced and replaced, in any case, the system hygiene for a second-hand fan coil decreases.
The second point, which goes back to the hygiene of the second-hand fan coil, is its condensation in the warm seasons of the year. Condensation has occurred in all fan coils and is a common occurrence and does not occur only for faulty fan coils. This means that when air passes through the coils, due to the temperature difference with the water inside the coils, it is distilled and collects on the pipes. These droplets must eventually be directed in and out of the fan coil. Problems such as the accumulation of these droplets and not coming out
- water leakage
- Damage to walls and ceilings and their color
- Corrosion of fan coil components
- Facing people living in the area with safety and security issues of walls and structures
- Lowering air quality
- Create an unpleasant odor
- Creating a suitable environment for the growth of microorganisms and threatening the health of people living in the area
It turns out that the latter is a very significant case in the purchase of a second-hand fan coil. In this way, the transfer of microorganisms from one environment to another turns the second-hand fan coil into their carrier. Since there is no guarantee for the health and sensitivity of previous consumers of second-hand fan coils, the risk of this transfer will be more prominent.
What are the technical disadvantages of buying a second hand fan coil?
Apart from the issue of general health, there are other significant disadvantages that are among the drawbacks of a second-hand fan coil. These shortcomings make a second-hand fan coil, instead of a useful and profitable device, an additional cost – both for its purchase and for its repair.
How can high depreciation in a second hand fan coil be a problem?
A second-hand fan coil, like any other second-hand and used device, has spent part of its life, and the buyer is actually paying for a limited part of its useful life. Therefore, one should not expect this fan coil to come out of the factory like a new fan coil to work for years. He has spent part of his life in the previous place and only a small amount of his useful life remains.
Premature breakdown is another disadvantage of buying a second-hand fan coil
The previous discussion was about the high depreciation of a second-hand fan coil, and the same issue leads to its premature deterioration. In addition to reducing its useful life, this depreciation also increases the need for repair and service. The fan coil itself is not a system that is left to its own devices in the new and unused state. This system needs to be constantly inspected to replace the filters – which are responsible for delivering clean air into the environment – or to drain the drain tray – which contains condensate water – and so on.
In general, its parts need constant repair and inspection, and therefore increase the cost of maintenance. Although most of the second-hand fan coil parts may have been replaced, the main building is the first building to be depreciated. So buying a second-hand fan coil is like buying an old-fashioned air conditioner that doesn’t last long and may only make sense for temporary use. The buyer of a second-hand fan coil may also have to replace some parts, which is an additional cost.
Old-fashioned and used fan coil
For someone who cares about the cleanliness and cleanliness of their environment equipment, buying a second-hand fan coil is not a good option. However, this fan coil was in another environment before the current environment, and it is not clear how it was stored in different seasons and climates. In this way, the purpose of a purchase determines the rest. If one does not care and intends to use this fan coil for temporary periods, this used appearance will not be an obstacle for him. There may be exceptions, and second-hand fan coils may be found that are neat and new with low functionality.
Lack of attention to the production cycle by buying second-hand goods
When it comes to buying second-hand goods such as second-hand fan coils, this is just the limited number of pre-manufactured fan coils that circulate among the people and in their hands. If more people do the same; Manufacturing plants or sales intermediaries are actually jeopardizing their profitability.
This can be problematic when dealing with developing countries and their fledgling industry. In this case, the opportunity to produce and supply of products of such manufacturers is taken and reducing the demand for their products will create other problems for them and the consumer and user.