For many factories, refineries, large buildings, and even apartments, the heat generated by industrial activities and even the heat generated by air conditioning systems must be dissipated in some way. This heat is dissipated and directed to a place outside the system by the cooling tower. In fact, the main work in the cooling tower is done by the water itself. In this way, water initially lowers the temperature of the system and absorbs heat but heats itself. To reuse this water and return it to the cycle, it is necessary for the water to reach a low temperature again. This is done in the cooling tower.
In the past, the same thing was done in such a way that water, which was first cool and then lost its cold and heated during the flow of space and hot system, entered the river or sewage directly to get out of the path and flow of work. However, due to the huge costs, environmental damage, and the use of proper methods to use water resources, a reasonable and cost-effective cooling system such as a cooling tower emerged. In this way, the water, which is heated anywhere for any reason, is not thrown away and enters the cooling tower, cools again and returns to its original state.
How does the cooling tower work?
After hot water enters the cooling tower space, water enters the spray pipes. The nozzles of these pipes spray the hot water inlet on the packing or cooling panels with the appropriate pressure and pre-determined angle. These surfaces are cold and convert hot water into cold water in contact with them. Also, when the air in the tower itself, or in the opposite direction of the water flow or perpendicular to it, comes in contact with water, it evaporates a bit and loses its temperature. Therefore, the working principle of the cooling tower is based on evaporation.
To increase the contact of water with air and increase the rate of evaporation, as mentioned, there are plates inside the tower. These plates, known as fillers, are the straw-like plates of water coolers, but they come in a variety of shapes. Water is sprayed on these plates and placed so that it is in contact with the air as much as possible.
This water, now cooled by the main tower, enters the perimeter of the tower pan. This pan is a new and cool source of water. The water is then routed back to the devices through the outlet pipes.

cooling tower
What is the classification of cooling towers?
So far we know that the water needed for industries or air conditioning systems returns to the cooling tower after work to be reused. In the meantime, we can consider different types of cooling towers. For example, an open or closed cooling tower, or a wet, dry, or hybrid cooling tower. The wet cooling tower itself is again divided into two categories with the opposite flow or with cross-flow, which speaks about the angle of entry of airflow.
In addition, the towers are based on the type of airflow inside them; They have their own division in the form of induced current or natural current. Towers in terms of production material are in the case of concrete, galvanized and fibreglass towers. Cooling towers are also categorized in appearance: conical or cubic towers.
One of the types of classification that we want to discuss in the following is the classification in terms of the number of tower cells. In this regard, cooling towers are divided into two types: single-celled and multi-celled.
What are modular cooling towers and why are they used?
Modular or interconnected multicellular towers can be defined as several cooling towers all connected to each other continuously to form a homogeneous complex. So one engine works for the whole set, so it can be said that practically the cost of electricity is saved in modular cooling towers.
Another reason that cooling towers are manufactured as modular or modular and multi-cell are that they are assembled and delivered to the customer when the installation work is completed. In modular mode, the installation and assembly of the cooling tower are saved.
Another reason for the production of modular cooling towers is the possibility of better and more accurate control and inspection of the amount of energy consumed and the overall performance of the system. Also, in practice, this type of tower is better suited for tasks with higher capacity, and sometimes only modular cooling towers can cope with this high capacity in high volume.
The fourth reason for the production and use of this type of tower is their smaller size and less space in the environment.
What is a compact cooling tower?
The old, classic image of cooling towers is probably a bulky device with an industrial look. Of course, many industries and jobs and environments require the same type of cooling towers, but advances in technology and the breadth of facilities have allowed other types of cooling towers to be produced in smaller sizes. It can be said that compact cooling towers are small, compact but efficient towers that are also suitable for industrial and domestic work of the air conditioning system.
It is the efficiency and mere economy of this type of cooling towers that have made them famous and popular. There are many requirements that require smaller systems and can use compact models instead of massive cooling towers.
Here are some of the benefits of a compact cooling tower:
- Low energy consumption
- Easy maintenance
- Easy to install
- Possibility of continuous, modular and discontinuous installation
- Low sound production
There are many reasons for choosing the type of cooling towers, such as water temperature, environmental conditions, energy consumption, type of airflow, and of course the space available for it and the budget. Accordingly, different types of it are available.