Low air quality, especially in cold seasons, puts the health of people living in a room at greater risk. Dry skin, shortness of breath, colds and allergic symptoms are exacerbated by such situations. But with a simple device and place it in the workplace or at home, you can provide better air to breathe. Airwasher
Performance is an important part of the water used in the cooling industry. Cold water is a spring and takes calories from a hot water source. Calorie change or heat transfer usually occurs above the metal surface without contact with hot and cold welding. This process requires cooling of the cooling tower. There are 3
VRF systems and chillers, especially mini-chillers, sometimes make it difficult for consumers to make choices. In this article, the advantages of VRF system over mini chiller are examined: Lower power consumption VRF power consumption is extremely lower than mini-chillers and has a higher performance factor than mini-chillers, due to the presence of compressors equipped