What are the effective factors in choosing the right air purification system ?!
Thursday, 17 June 2021
In places like hospitals and laboratories, having a proper air purification system is usually considered a basic need. This need is important not only to maintain a constant temperature for the comfort of patients or to maintain the health of laboratory products but also to have healthy air, free from crime and pollution. It is
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Types of VRF systems common in the market with pros and probs!
Sunday, 13 June 2021
Earlier, we talked about what a VRF system is and explained how it works. Now, we will examine the common types of VRF systems available in the market. Common types of VRF systems VRF systems are available in a variety of cooling systems, heat pump systems or heat pumps, and finally heat recovery systems, the
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What is a VRF system and how does it work ?!
Wednesday, 09 June 2021
VRF stands for Variable Refrigerant Flow and is a component of the air conditioning system, also known as variable refrigerant volume or VFV. What is a VRF system and what are its features? The technology used in the VRF system allows users to use it as both a heating and cooling device. As with mini-split
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A guide to maintaining common chillers to reduce costs
Wednesday, 09 June 2021
No matter how extensive and detailed your business or production process is; Shutting down and malfunctioning a device such as a chiller can be incredibly disruptive and costly and can even cause problems in meeting customer needs. Chiller and system maintenance is critical to reducing the risk of failure and extending the life of your
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Indoor air purification solutions
Tuesday, 01 June 2021
Existence of microorganisms in the interior of the building The presence of pollution, dust and microorganisms is not limited to abandoned and dirty buildings, and the buildings where people live and have their daily activities are also full of all kinds of pollution. In fact, the presence of humans and living organisms produce more pollution
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Pros and probs of duct split in the application
Saturday, 22 May 2021
Duct split has many applications in the process of cooling and heating, which is used in different industries and places. But Duct Split, like other industrial cooling and heating equipment, has limitations in use in different places. The advantages and disadvantages of duct split can be used for both cold and heat generation. Of course,
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Do you know what Duct Split is and how it works ?!
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
What is Duct Split ?! Ducted Split is a type of air conditioning system that can both cool the ambient air and increase its temperature. Therefore, it can be used in hot and cold seasons of the year. This system is also known as a split channel. Since this system is capable of generating cold
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How Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Improve HVAC Energy Efficiency
Sunday, 16 May 2021
Developed in Japan in 1982, variable refrigerant flow (VRF) technology allows 40 to 50 percent efficiency improvement over standard ASHRAE 90.1 standard RTU units. Basically, VRFs use the refrigerant as the cooling- and heat-transfer medium. The refrigerant is conditioned by an outdoor condensing unit and then circulated within the building to multiple indoor fan-coil units
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HVAC Events in 2021 & 2022
Tuesday, 11 May 2021
HVAC events are being carried out in various locations throughout the globe to encourage the meetings of vendors and customers as well as to showcase the latest technology in the field of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration. The regular events that are being exhibited are the ASHRAE shows, an annual event organized by the
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Chiller Manufacturers Offer New Technology to Control Energy Costs
Sunday, 09 May 2021
Demand for equipment comes from health care, data centers NEW TECH: Carrier’s AquaForce 30XV air-cooled chiller features a water-side economizer that allows the owner to take advantage of lower outdoor air temperatures to cool their building or process. (Courtesy of Carrier) Chillers are a key component of commercial HVAC systems. Of course, like all parts
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